

Pok Oi Hospital schools, with the motto of “Erudition and Virtue”, cultivate students to "love, care and serve" the community. We support professional leadership and teaching in education, and endeavor to create a salutary learning atmosphere. Together with stakeholders, we work to build a learning community. We foster whole-person development, noble character, positive values, lifelong  learning, and the pursuit of excellence in students. We nurture students to have all-rounded leadership quality, including capacity to think independently with international perspective, excel in communicating and collaborating with others, and who value cultural inheritance, empathy and patriotism.


博學於文,約己以禮。 《論語.顏淵》

文質彬彬,然後君子。 《論語.雍也》

君子愛人也以德。  《禮記.檀弓上》

德者,性之端也。   《禮記.樂記》